Soul Shop™ Training for Faith Leaders
Soul Shop™ for Faith Leaders is a workshop for clergy, lay pastors, and faith-based clinicians. It aims to help them build safe communities and prepare them to address suicide as a standard part of their work and life. This crucial training is designed to equip faith community leaders with the skills to provide support, hope, and connection to those affected by suicide. It's not just for clergy—it’s also for lay leaders and anyone who feels called to respond to the desperate need for suicide prevention and support within their community.
Please click the link below to register and more information about this training.
If you have questions about this training, don't hesitate to get in touch with John at jgagnon63@yahoo.com
For more information or to register for this workshop. please visit www.tinyurl.com/sshope429
For more information about this training, don't hesitate to get in touch with Maggie Alsup at margaret.alsup@lyon.edu
Registration Opens Soon
For more information about the workshop, please click the link below,
Abiding Hope
Registration Opens Soon

Soul Shop™ for Black Churches
Soul Shop™ for Black Churches is for clergy, lay pastors, and faith-based clinicians in Black churches. Addressing mental health issues and supporting those affected by trauma and suicide in their unique communities. It is designed to equip leaders who are on the front lines of community mental health crises with the tools they need to minister to individuals impacted by suicide. This training provides a deep understanding of how to address the various faces of suicide, from prevention to postvention, within the Black community. Participants will gain valuable insights and practical skills to offer compassionate care and guidance to those affected by mental health challenges.
This is a closed workshop. for more information please get in touch with Brenda Stevenson at brendamstevenson@gmail.com
If you would like to register for this workshop, please click the link below.
If you would like more information about this workshop, don't hesitate to get in touch with Cleavon Matthews at DrCleacon@gmail.com
For more information about this training and to register, please contact Mona at rellison@smark.org
To register for this workshop, please click the link below.
Please contact Caitlyn Short at Caitlyn.Short@fssa.IN.Gov for more information
If you would like more information on this workshop. Please contact Kismet at kismet.madison@gmail.com
If you would like to register for this workshop, Please click the link below.
Questions: Please contact Pat White at pwhite1220@gmail.com
If you would like more detail and register for this workshop. Click the link below.
If you would like to register or need more information about this workshop, please click the link below.
Registration link coming soon.
If you would like more information about this upcoming workshop, please contact Dr. Cleavon Matthews at DrCleavon@gmail.com

Soul Shop™ for Communities
Soul Shop™ for Communities is a community-oriented program exploring how we think and talk about suicide. This training includes an introduction to the CALL model for keeping a person with thoughts of suicide safe. Learn about the prevalence in our community, risk factors, and how to ask the question of whether someone is considering suicide. We aim to make all our families and friends safer, happier, and healthier by meeting for joy, connection, and resources. Everyone is welcome to join us, especially on this important topic that touches everyone.
Soul Shop for Black Communities
If you would like more information about this workshop, please visit
For more informaiton, please click the link below.
Abiding Hope Church
Registration COMING SOON

Soul Shop™ para Hispanos
Soul Shop™ for Hispanic Churches
Soul Shop™ para Hispanos es un taller de un día diseñado para clérigos, personal, pastores laicos y médicos religiosos de la Iglesia hispana. Esta capacitación fue desarrollada y es impartida por líderes religiosos hispanos que son expertos en suicidio, y aborda los problemas complejos específicos de las comunidades hispanas que están provocando el aumento de las tasas de suicidio. Dada la prominencia de la iglesia dentro de la comunidad hispana, Soul Shop cree que las iglesias deberían estar en la primera línea de esta crisis de salud pública, y equipa a estos líderes para hacer precisamente eso.

A.S.I.S.T (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
LivingWorks ASIST is a two-day, in-person workshop with audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations. Learn to prevent suicide by recognizing warning signs, intervening effectively, and creating a safety plan with expert guidance.
For more informaiton and registrations for this ASIST

Soul Shop™ for Youth Leaders
Soul Shop™ Youth Workers is for those serving youth impacted by suicide and covers impulsivity, contagion, social media, mandatory reporting, and confidentiality, focusing on creating a soul-safe culture in youth ministry. Continue Reading
Faith-based Suicide Prevention in the Black Community Summit
Closed to the conference.
This training is closed to the public. If you would like more information. Please contact Michelle Snyder at Michelle@SoulShopMovement.org