Soul Shop™ for Black Churches is a one-day workshop designed for clergy, staff, lay pastors, and faith-based clinicians in the Black Church. Given the prominence of the church within Black communities, Soul Shop equips these leaders who are on the front lines of the mental health crisis to minister to those impacted by all the faces of trauma and struggle in regards to suicide.

Calm, relatable, professional, unbiased, able to recognize people’s needs.
— Rev. Phillip Wells

Audience: For Black faith community leaders, both paid and lay/volunteer

Time Commitment: 1 day

This is a one-day workshop designed to equip Black faith community leaders to minister to those impacted by suicide. This includes the creation of worship resource, training congregation members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and then how to extend the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories. This workshop engages the question of how to cultivate a soul-safe culture within your congregation.  

If you would like to have more information, please contact Michelle Snyder at

A great workshop!!! Very informative! Gave me a different prospective on suicide in the Church. Thank you.
— Francis Johnson