Reginald Wells

Co-Director | SS for Black Churches

Rev. Dr. Reginald Wells is a pastor in the Missionary Baptist tradition.  He is a nationally recognized leader with 40 year career in strategic leadership and public service and has pastored churches of all sizes.  Across his decades of ministry, he has ministered to many people in suicide crisis, mental health crisis and experiencing desperation and has organized mental health ministries to address those challenges head-on through his preaching and outreach.  In addition, Dr. Wells personally understands the impacts of suicide and desperation on people and communities through his own experience as a loss survivor and a military veteran.  

Dr. Wells earned a Bachelors and a Master in Divinity Degree from Shaw University, Raleigh, NC and his Doctor of Ministry in Preaching and Leadership from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.  He is currently serving as the 3rd Vice President of the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Inc.; Foundation Board of Fayetteville State University, has preached in and is spearheading a development project in Liberia and is an active member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.  Dr. Wells is the author of two publications, Pastoral Leadership Styles: Their Effects on the Growth of a Congregation and Leading When You Don’t Know the Answers. He continues serving as pastor of a thriving congregation in Fayetteville, NC.